The most common cause of yellowing pepper leaves is nutrient deficiency, especially nitrogen. This can occur when the soil is not rich enough and the plant starts to starve. Luckily, this can easily be corrected with fertilizer.
Another cause of yellowing pepper leaves is water stress. Since peppers love hot conditions, they can quickly become dehydrated. This causes them to wilt and turn yellow, along with reduced pepper production and stunted growth. Fortunately, this is also easy to fix with a consistent watering schedule.
A deficiency in magnesium and calcium can also lead to yellowing pepper leaves. These nutrients play a crucial role in pepper plant growth and flower setting, so it is very important to ensure they are present in your garden soil.
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Pest infestation is also a common cause of yellowing pepper plants. Aphids, for example, suck out the juices of the plant, which leads to a lack of water and nutrients. You can usually spot an aphid infestation by their distinctive piercing mouth parts and clustered presence on the leaves of the plant.
If the weather is cold or too windy, it can also cause your plants to turn yellow. This is because the plants are trying to protect themselves from the harsh conditions. They do this by moving the remaining nutrients from older leaves to newer ones, which then turns the leaves yellow. This can be prevented by using a fertilizer that provides the right amount of nitrogen, such as a 5-5-5 formula.